about us

background story

The Age of Watches website refers to a) the history of  watchmaking, watchmakers and the brands that they created, and b) the present age of watches referring to the modern times with the current watches and their functions enabling the reading to get a better understanding of watches and the industry as a whole. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide both watch beginners and watch enthusiasts the ability to learn more about watches, watchmaking and it’s history. We hope to help provide more background on watchmaking and more transparency around the watches they decide to buy touching on all factor that relate to such decisions.

Our Core Values

The watch world has always been and still is a highly secretive business. We commit to provide open and transparent information based on the information we have available while trying to quantify our views where possible. In a world where each individuals preference is defined by their personal views and experiences, we will try to remain neutral and objective while specifying where it is our own personal views.